When you flush water through your toilet, sink, or bathtub, do you know where it goes? All that water has to go somewhere and where it goes is into your sewer lines. The sewer line transports all the wastewater from inside your home to the main sewer in the street. Like most features of the home that you don’t see or handle every day, sewer lines only get attention when they stop working. Sewer line maintenance rarely features in homeowner’s or landlord’s routine maintenance, says PinnaclePMC.com . But sewer line issues can be really unpleasant when they happen. Imagine the horror of flushing your toilet after use, only for the bowl to fill up and spill its contents on the toilet floor. Or what do you do when bathwater refuses to drain out of the bathroom? These are the kinds of issues that happen when sewer lines stop functioning. But they can be prevented with proper sewer line maintenance. COMMON SEWER LINE PROBLEMS The three most common issues you may have with you...