The first time you hear the term “drain tile”, your inclination might be to think of the tiles on the floor of your home. But drain tiles have nothing to do with your home’s flooring. They are perforated pipes surrounded by stones that are used to keep groundwater from getting into your home’s basement. UNDERSTANDING DRAIN TILE SYSTEMS Originally, drain pipes were made from sections of clay. Hence, being called tiles instead of pipes. Today, however, most drain pipes are made of PVC or plastic. They consist of sections of perforated pipes laid inside a gravel trench and overlaid with more gravel. The gravel allows groundwater to collect in the trench and find its way into the pipes through the holes on the sides of the pipes. The water is subsequently transported away from the house . Sometimes drain tiles are covered with sleeves to keep dirt from getting into them. Drain tiles are essential for keeping the house safe in the event of heavy rain or rapid snowmelt. They can be inst...