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Winterizing Your Home In Illinois

Turn Off Outdoor Faucets

As the weather turns from warm to immediately freezing here in Illinois these days, homeowners need to start think about properly winterizing their homes. On the very top of this list of things to do is  taking care of outdoor hoses and sprinkler systems. Lawn and Garden hoses and all sprinklers should be disconnected, rolled up, and stored for the winter in your garage or basement.
Second, shut off all outdoor faucets but first let any remaining water drain out. Once the faucet is shut off and drained, leave your faucet on until warmer weather is consistent, usually in the Spring.

Make Sure Your Home’s Pipes Are Insulated

One thing you can do when taking extra precautions to winterize your home's plumbing is to purchase a roll of thick insulation that you can wrap around your pipes. This insulation is made of fiberglass or polyethylene, and can be purchased online or at a hardware store or Menard's, Home Depot, etc.

For even more extra protection from frozen pipes in Winter, we recommend wrapping your home pipes in heated tape before you apply the insulation to give them added protection from freezing temperatures and so a burst pipe problem in your home doesn't occur. Please read any of the manufacturer instructions for this tape and insulation when approaching any DIY projects like this, to be sure you are doing everything correctly. 


Fix Any Cracks in Your Home Walls

Another way to prepare that your home’s pipes may freeze in Winter involves fixing exterior cracks in your home walls. This is an common and often effective way to prevent freezing air from getting into your home and affecting any sudden change of temperature of your pipes. Locate any cracks and use caulking or spray foam installation to fill them in. 

Examine Your Furnace 

Turn on your furnace to make sure it works properly in advance to it getting freezing outside. Change the filter, and continue to do so a few times throughout the winter season. Clean filters improve the airflow and efficiency of the furnace, and can help to prevent fires.

Install Storm Windows

If having new windows like this isn't in your budget budget this Winter, consider an effective alternative of a window insulator kit. Such kits consist of plastic sheeting that is applied to interior windows, usually blow dryed and taped on and can easily be removed in the Spring. At an average of about $5 per window, this is an affordable option.


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